Online Pricing in Retail Stores
As mentioned in previous posts, before you travel to retail outlets to do your shopping, make sure you test the online pricing waters with www.Amazon.com and Google's Shopping feature. Search for the items you plan to purchase, and in seconds, you'll have a clear picture where prices range in the market.
Further, a friend of mine recently discovered that retailers are beginning to take their online published pricing inside their stores. With a little research and a quick question to the store manager, you'll get better pricing and avoid the risk of shipping.
For you shoppers who prefer to "see and feel" the merchandise before buying, this may be the perfect fit for you. Imagine getting Internet prices and walking out with your gifts in hand...give it a try!
Seek Generous Return Policies
As you travel from store to store, ask the employees to explain their return policies this year. Focus your buying at stores with liberal policies that allow you to bring in coupons at a later date or let you bring your back your receipt when they have "After Christmas" sales to receive a credit on your merchandise.
Online Coupons are Real and Really Work
Take a gander at coupon sites like CouponChad.com (www.couponchad.com), Brad's Deals (www.bradsdeals.com), Coupons.com (www.coupons.com) and others. Retailers are using these sites more and more to tap into savvy buyers like you.
Invest in a Sunday Paper
For under $2, pick up this Sunday's major local newspaper. These papers are loaded with Holiday Shopping goodies like Buy 1 Get 1's, 50% off coupons and buy $25 in Gift Cards - get $5 Free. Hang on to those Manufacturer Coupons - they almost always accept them at retail stores even after the expiration date.
Keep close tabs on the retail fliers in the paper as they will continue to communicate their most recent deals. Focus your shopping list this year on the top items for sale and think about your needs for the coming 12-24 months. Is there something you anticipate buying in the near future that you can get steal on right now? Fliers are a great way to refresh your memory on what you need at home or for gifts in the coming year. Read it!
- Cash in the Couch